Help Us Create Standards of Care for Children Exposed to Opiates In-Utero!

Help Us Create Standards of Care for Children Exposed to Opiates In-Utero!

To The Moon And Back wants to know more about what it’s like to raise children born
with opioid exposure, the joys and the challenges, the services you received and the
services you wish existed. We have contracted with Child Trends, a research
organization, to help us do this.

One of the ways to gather this information is via a survey, which should take about 20 minutes to complete. We will also hold focus groups in the future. The survey and groups are completely voluntary.

If you complete the survey, you will be entered into a raffle for a $50 gift card for your participation. If you are parenting or caring for more than one child who was born with opioid exposure or dependence, please complete one survey for each child.

This survey and the focus groups will help us to better understand best practices in care for children born with in-utero opiate exposure. This is what To The Moon And Back initially set out to do and we’re excited to be doing it!

Thank you in advance for your consideration and participation. We look forward to speaking with you! If you have questions, feel free to email Andra Wilkinson from Child Trends at